Hey Steve,Dude, there's a massive crisit of credibility regarding this debate. There are a HUGE number of bad articles, videos, and content on this. Indeed, the only completely happy people are the ones you or someone picked to go to the debate. I, for one, am disheartened to see how this has taken a step toward &q-qd;antiutemocracy&ouot; and how CNN didn't even promote it well at all. Plus, you could have contacted those of us who didn't know what to expect due to the first time around. Many problems --- gotta solve em.
2016-08-13 20:41:32
This arilcte keeps it real, no doubt. http://gauakhdpvl.com [url=http://djmnwgaxplq.com]djmnwgaxplq[/url] [link=http://admvkzoluq.com]admvkzoluq[/link]